
Pronunciation: P-ūsh


I am passionate about computer science and enjoy the intricacies of programming—from solving complex problems, to automating various processes and tasks. My interests extend as well into the vast realm of big-data, with a focus on analytics thereof—and, machine learning; particularly in its application to various sectors such as Finance (Financial Markets), Sports, and Content Analysis.

Moreover, I retain a predilection for aesthetics when it comes to UI/UX from having previously engaged in graphic design. This experience enables me to recognize and appreciate work that is—where such is concerned—attentively detailed, visually attractive, and user-centric.

I am also a Linux enthusiast, and a committed advocate of privacy and freedom in the digital space. My engagement with Linux goes beyond rudimentary usage—I particularly value the transparency and autonomy it provides, as well as the ability to customize its many aspects to remarkable extent. These experiences with Linux have only reinforced my passion for technology; inspiring me to continuously learn, expand my knowledge and understanding, and share my thoughts in the process.

I am simply driven by a desire to explore numerous subjects and domains—immersing myself in the vast wealth of knowledge available.
