Installing Windows in KVM

1 Prerequisites

  • It is recommended to use Virtio drivers for Windows.

  • Working through Virtio devices is faster than using SCSI emulation, etc.


 emerge app-emulation/virtio-win
  • You can simply download from the repository:

  • The easiest way is to use an ISO disk image and mount it as a second cdrom.

2 Windows installation

  • Can be installed using any qemu management GUI, for example using virt-manager:


emerge app-emulation/virt-manager
  • During installation, you should select the option for additional configuration before installation.

  • At this stage, you should add a second virtual cdrom with virtio-win drivers.

  • Install the VirtIO bus on the hard drive.

3 After installation

Change device types in the settings:

network card on Virtio;
video: QXL.
  • Install the RedHat certificate from the CD.

  • Install Virtio drivers.