Remembering What You Read

Simply increase context

*Large brain networks are involved in encoding memories, but this paper (Context-Dependent Human Extinction Memory Is Mediated by a Ventromedial Prefrontal and Hippocampal Network) states that the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus play key roles in *context-dependent memory*.

This leads to better recall when you find yourself in similar situations, which is exactly what you want to get out of books—make what you read as contextual as possible.

Contextual matching: picking something that would be relevant to you right now. Basically, what you are interested in. Matching the topic of the book to your current situation is an easy way to increase context. So that when you re-remember this state of mind you were in, it invokes the feelings induced by the book.

Note making: Doesn’t have to be strict. Anything you found interesting.

Mapping: Connecting dots between the book you’re reading with other books or stuff you’ve read/encountered in the past.