Installing Linux in WSL

1 General Information


2 Installation of Distributions

WSL + Ubuntu

  1. Install WSL:
wsl --install

This command:

  • Includes additional WSL components and virtual machine platforms.
  • Downloads and installs the latest version of the Linux kernel.
  • Sets WSL 2 as the default environment.
  • Downloads and installs the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

You will need to restart your computer during installation.


Install from Microsoft Store. You will need to restart your computer during installation.


Install from Microsoft Store. You will need to restart your computer during installation.

3 Initial Setup

Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to create a username and password for your Linux distribution. Each Linux distribution has its own username and password and is not associated with the Windows username.

4 Systemd Support

Ensure WSL version is 0.67.6 or later:

wsl --version

In the Linux console, switch to superuser:

sudo -i

Open the file for editing /etc/wsl.conf

vi /etc/wsl.conf

Activate systemd:

systemd = true

From the Windows console, stop WSL execution:

wsl.exe --shutdown

After restarting WSL, check that systemd is working:

systemctl list-unit-files --type=service

5 Installation of basic software

In the Linux console, switch to superuser:

sudo -i


Update the system:

dnf -y update
dnf -y install vulkan tmux mc bash-completion evince kitty libreoffice

// Arch works the same way except use pacman -Syu