Droidcam: Using Smartphone as a Webcam

Droidcam is a versatile tool that transforms your smartphone into a webcam, useful for video calls, streaming, or any scenario where a camera is needed. This covers setup for both smartphones and PCs, with additional notes for Linux users.

Installation Overview

  • Droidcam App: Download and install Droidcam on your smartphone and PC from the official website.
  • Compatibility: Works on most operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Android.

Detailed Setup for Linux

  • Kernel Support: Linux users need to ensure Video4Linux loopback is enabled in the kernel. This involves checking certain settings in the device drivers menu:
Device Drivers --->
  <M> Multimedia support --->
    [*] Cameras/video grabbers support
    [*] Media Controller API
    [*] V4L2 sub-device userspace API
  • Installation Package: The Linux package includes utilities and a kernel module for integration.

Configuring the Linux Kernel Module

  • Module Installation: Follow instructions in the client repository to install the v4l2loopback_dc kernel module.
  • Resolution Settings: Default resolution is 640x480, but this can be adjusted in /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2loopback-dc.conf or /etc/modprobe.d/droidcam.conf.
  • Custom Resolution: Modify settings for desired resolution, for example:
options v4l2loopback-dc width=640 height=480
  • Supported Resolutions: Includes 320x240, 480x360, 640x480, 960x720, 1280x720, 1920x1080.

Using Droidcam

  • Device Switching: Easily switch between your phone’s front and back cameras.
  • Connection Methods: Supports Wi-Fi, browser, Wi-Fi server, and USB connections.

Wi-Fi Connection

  • Ensure both phone and PC are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • Open Droidcam on both devices, select “Connect over WiFi (LAN)” on PC, enter IP and port from the smartphone app, and start.

Wi-Fi via Browser

  • Open Droidcam on the smartphone.
  • Enter http://ip:port in a browser, substituting the actual IP and port.

Wi-Fi Server Mode

  • On PC, choose ‘Create WiFi Server’ in Droidcam and start.
  • On smartphone, in the app, add a new server with the PC’s IP address.

USB Connection

  • Activate ‘USB debugging’ on your smartphone.
  • Connect the smartphone to PC via USB, select ‘Connect over USB’ in the Droidcam PC app, and start.

Droidcam offers a cost-effective and convenient solution to repurpose your smartphone as a webcam, ideal for various applications and settings.