
Record of books and other materials I have probed, as well as those I aspire to explore in the future.


Title Author Type
Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics Damji;Wenig;Das;Lee Book
Classic Literature
Title Author Type
[1759] Candide Voltaire Book
Computer Science
Title Author Type
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java Goodrich, Michael Book
Introduction to Algorithms Cormen, Thomas Book
Title Author Type
The social media crisis: Why Facebook and other platforms must be made liable for their content Mishi Choudhary Article
General AI
Title Author Type
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Russell; Norvig Book
Machine Learning
Title Author Type
The 100-Page Machine Learning Book Andriy Burkov Book
Title Author Type
Linear Algebra, Geometry, and Computation Mark Crovella eBook

Plan to Read

Title Author Type
The Mathematical Theory of Communication Claude Shannon Book
The Art Of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn Richard Hamming Book
The Closing of the [American] Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students Bloom, Allan Book
Decorate Rich: Creating a Fabulous Look for Less Packham, Jo Book
Civilization and its Discontents Freud, Sigmund Book
Rationality for Mortals: How People Cope with Uncertainty Gigerenzer, Gerd Book
Mindless Statistics Gigerenzer, Gerd Journal
Practical Vim Neil, Drew Book
The Postmodern Condition: A report on knowledge Jean-François Lyotard Book
Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach Halpern; Pearl Paper
The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause & Effect Pearl; Mackenzie Book
Classic Literature
Title Author Type
[1813] Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Book
[1726] Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift Book
[1847] Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte Book
[1818] Persuasion Jane Austen Book
[1860] Great Expectations Charles Dickens Book
Computer Science
Title Author Type
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment Stevens; Rago Book
The C Programming Language Kernighan; Ritchie Book
Data Science
Title Author Type
SQL for Data Analysis Cathy Tanimura Book
Data Science from Scratch Joel Grus Book
*Practical Statistics for Data Scientists Bruce; Gedeck Book
Effective Pandas: Patterns for Data Manipulation Matt Harrison Book
Title Author Type
Latin, an Introductory Course Based on Ancient Authors Wheelock, Frederic M. Book
Title Author Type
Linux Bible Negus, Christopher Book
How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know Ward, Brian Book
Title Author Type
Linear Algebra, Geometry, and Computation Karl Popper Book
Cartoon Guide To Statistics Gonick, Larry Book
Statistics and Data Analysis from Elementary to Intermediate Tamhane; Dunlop Book
Title Author Type
System and network administration practice Limoncelli, T. A. et al. Book
Title Author Type
Behave: The Biology of Humars at Our Best and Worst Robert Sapolsky Book
Biology and Human Behavior: The neurological Origins of Individuality Robert Sapolsky Book
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: Guide to Stress Related Diseases, and Coping Robert Sapolsky Book
The Trouble with Testosterone: Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament Robert Sapolsky Book
Philosophy; Logic
Title Author Type
The Anti-Christ Nietzsche, Friedrich Book
The Birth of Tragedy and The Case of Wagner Nietzsche, Friedrich Book
Beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche, Friedrich Book
On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo Nietzsche, Friedrich Book
The Mind's I Hofstadter; Dennett Book
Language, Truth, and Logic A. J. Ayer Book
The Metaphysics Aristotle Book
Meditations Aurelius Book
The Consolation of Philosophy Boethius Book
The Enigma of Reason Mercier; Sperber Book
Logic Gordon Clark Book
Conjectures and Regutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge Karl Popper Book
Pensées Blaise Pascal Book
How to Think Like a Roman Emperor Robertson, Donald Book