[Linux] Window Managers

When it comes to Linux, a Window Manager (WM) is a crucial software component responsible for managing the placement, appearance, and behavior of windows on the desktop. This contrasts with operating systems like Windows or macOS, where window management is seamlessly integrated into the overall operating system. Linux distinguishes itself by offering a variety of Window Managers, each with its own unique set of functionalities and stylistic approaches.

One common area of misunderstanding among new Linux users is discerning the difference between a Window Manager and a Desktop Environment (DE). A Desktop Environment provides a comprehensive graphical user interface, encompassing a Window Manager as a component within a broader suite that includes elements such as panels, system trays, and integrated applications. Conversely, a Window Manager can function independently of a Desktop Environment, focusing exclusively on the management of window behavior and placement, without the additional functionalities that a full DE typically provides.

For users transitioning to Linux from more traditional desktop environments like Windows or macOS, adapting to Linux’s Window Managers can represent a significant shift in user experience. Standard operating systems typically employ a mouse-centric interface approach, characterized by interactive desktop icons, window manipulation via mouse actions, and menu navigation through mouse clicks. In contrast, many Linux Window Managers, particularly those of the tiling variety, offer a user experience that departs from this norm, favoring keyboard-centric control schemes. Such an approach optimizes workflow efficiency and can enhance productivity, though it may initially require a period of acclimatization for users habituated to more conventional desktop interfaces.

Types of Window Managers

Window Managers in Linux can be broadly categorized into two types:

  • Floating WMs
  • Tiling WMs

Floating (Stacking) Window Managers

These are traditional and more common. They allow windows to overlap or ‘stack’ on top of each other, similar to what you might be used to in Windows or macOS.

Tiling Window Managers

  • No Clickable Desktop Elements: In many WMs (even floating), the desktop itself is void of icons and doesn’t respond to mouse clicks the way a traditional desktop would. This design philosophy is driven by a focus on minimalism and efficiency.

  • Keyboard-Centric Control: Tiling WMs are designed for keyboard-driven control. They emphasize the use of keyboard shortcuts for launching, managing, and switching between applications.

  • Automatic Window Placement and Management: Unlike the click-and-drag approach to resizing and moving windows in traditional environments, tiling WMs automatically arrange windows in a non-overlapping, grid-like layout; eliminating the need for manual resizing and moving, as well as maximizing screen real estate.

  • Empty Initial Interface: Upon first use, many tiling WMs present a bare interface with no apparent means of interaction. This can be disorienting for new users, but it’s integral to the tiling WM’s philosophy of a clean, distraction-free workspace.


  • Customization: WMs offer a high degree of customization. Users have the freedom to tailor almost every aspect of their user interface and window management experience. This level of control is particularly appealing to users who enjoy setting up and personalizing their workspace to suit their specific needs and preferences.

  • Resource Efficiency: Many WMs, especially tiling ones, are lightweight and consume significantly fewer resources than traditional desktop environments.

  • Simplicity: WMs typically provides a more straightforward and clutter-free interface. This simplicity can minimize distractions and help focus on the task at hand, making it a preferred choice for users who value a minimalist setup.

  • With a standalone window manager, users have more control over what applications and services run on their system; because, unlike full desktop environments that come with pre-set applications and utilities, standalone WMs allow users to choose and install only what they need.

However, these advantages come with challenges:

  • Learning Curve: The initial adjustment period can be effortful, particularly for users deeply accustomed to graphical interfaces. But if you’re someone who prefers an uniterrupted workflow and dislike having to switch to using a mouse in the midst of a task, I believe you’ll quickly adapt to and appreciate this approach.

  • Configuration: Unlike the plug-and-play nature of traditional DEs, WMs often require manual configuration, and the setting up of key-binds. Though the good thing is that there are a lot of configs online, hosted by other people, that could be used as a reference. But regardless, this can be somewhat time consuming.