
You can read about how it works, here.

Program repo:


The following are options for me to learn for the add-ons I installed, in case I forget about them.

The add-ons are a script that go inside ~/.todo.actions.d/


Show todo items containing TERM, grouped by OPTION, and displayed in priority order.

  • Can filter by project, context.

t view project # show items grouped by project

t view project @context # show items grouped by project, filtered by @context

mit (most important task)

Helps you track most important tasks.

  • Use days/dates to create tasks

t mit today clean house # use today or tomorrow to create a mit

t mit mon water the garden # use abbreviated day of the week

t mit 2024.12.26 boxing day test # use specific dates


(not in use)

Lets you edit a task in $EDITOR


t setdue DUEDATE ITEM#

Supported DUEDATE formats:

Format Description
yyyy-mm-dd is the standard* date format
--mm-dd is the standard* date format in the current year
---dd is a date format in the current month and year
yyyy-Www is the standard* week reference
--Www is a week reference in the current year
yyyy-Www-D is the standard* week reference with ordinal week day
--Www-D is a week reference with ordinal week day in the current year
yyyy-ddd is the standard* ordinal date
--ddd is an ordinal date reference in the current year
-ddd stands for ddd days ago
+ddd stands for ddd days starting now
today sets due to today
nw stands for next week (this weekday in next week)
xxx (where xxx are the first three letters in a weekday name) is a reference to the next such weekday


Auto-prioritize tasks X days before they are due.

t autopri 2 A


Handles recurring tasks by addinga new task when the old task is finished.

>> t ls

1 Send birthday greeting to friend t:2021-04-04 rec:+1y

>> t do 1

1 x 2021-04-05 Send birthday greeting to friend t:2021-04-04 rec:+1y
TODO: 1 marked as done.
1 Send birthday greeting to friend t:2022-04-04 rec:+1y


t nav ITEM#